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Patricia Tanner NelsonFamily and Child Development SpecialistUniversity of Delaware-Newark Alcohol is the most widely used drug among American youth.In surveys of high school seniors, 66% report having used alcoholin the past month. It's believed to be the major cause of fataland nonfatal traffic accidents involving teenage drivers and islinked to thousands of drownings, suicides, and injuries.1This update focuses on the National Institute on AlcoholAbuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) Literature Review on Alcohol andYouth, a report that challenges some long-standing beliefs aboutthe prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. Here are highlights ofthe report:Youngsters who begin drinking before the age of 15 are thestrongest candidates for later alcohol abuse. Longitudinalstudies indicate that children are beginning to drink atincreasingly earlier ages. Contrary to earlier conclusions,researchers now believe that drinking with family members at homecan lead to later alcohol problems. A Canadian study suggeststhat the earlier children use alcohol in the home, the earlierthey will drink outside the home.2Researchers conclude that early prevention - "Be Smart, Don'tStart" - before youngsters face peer and media pressures will bethe most effective approach. Targeted audiences are 8-12 yearolds and their parents.Parents are the strongest prevention influence for 8-12 yearolds. These factors seem to be important:parental disapproval of alcohol use by youth,strong family relationships,adult role modeling of chemically free problem solving and coping,realistic expectations, andencouragement of strong self-concepts and social skills.Adolescents who spend most of their free time with peers aremore likely to use drugs than those who spend most of their freetime alone or with their family. Because the easiest group tobelong to is one that uses alcohol and other drugs, youngsterswho lack social skills may be at special risk for developing drugproblems. Adolescents with strong bonds to family and school areless likely to be influenced by drug-using peers.Community expectations about alcohol and drug use, socialnorms, and local policies and practices affect adolescent druguse. Three factors have made alcohol abuse more likely for teensin recent years: (1) easier access to bars and liquor stores,(2) relaxation of underage restrictions, and(3) relatively low cost of many alcoholic beverages.While former drug prevention efforts have focused onproviding information about drugs and helping adolescentsstrengthen self-concepts and social skills, the current NIAAAreport indicates that only broad, comprehensive approaches arelikely to achieve the goal of a drug-free environment for youth.These strategies require an integrated approachand consistent messages transmitted through the mass media,through group training programs, and through one-on-onecounseling.... Preventing use of alcohol must involve the entirecommunity - parents, older youth, educators, health and socialservice professionals, youth and recreation groups, civic andservice groups, religious organizations, government agencies andbusiness. Applying the aforementioned strategies through multiplechannels repeatedly over time may indeed engender a newgeneration of drug- and alcohol-free youth.3Will adolescent drug abuse prevention be a "critical issue"Extension chooses to address? It seems clear that our powerfulresources - 4-H youth and their parents, family well-beingprogramming, and our expertise in community resource development -could bring a promising perspective to a problem that's having adevastating impact on our society.Footnotes
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